Monday, July 27, 2009

Denim and Chocolates!

Four stuffed bags and a couple horrified stares from Mark and CoHo later, my closet is cleaned!

I tossed (with MUCH convincing):
My running shoes from senior year ( high school)
My running shoes from junior year (in college--- way more recent, thank you).
A t-shirt from Universal Studios that said Peace, Love, The Universal Way
A pair of adult Mary Jane type shoes with an ankle strap
A pair of wedge heels that Colleen gave me awhile ago (I don't feel good about that one, but she swore they'd never come back in style. I was like, are you even sure they're out of style?!)
A black and grey striped stretch polo from Kohls, circa 2000
A red bag with a band aid patching up a hole in one of the pockets

I kept:
A Big Dog t-shirt that says It's Not Easy Being a Princess
A boys flannel shirt that I bought at a Salvation Army in Bloomsburg
A XXX t-shirt that goes past my knees and elbows
A maroon halter, circa 2002, with a rip in it that you can hardly see!
A purple t-shirt that I tie-dyed in second grade (they'll have to peel that one off my dead body)

Aaaand, the piece de resistance.... my stretchy denim dress bought in 1997 specifically for Senior Week in high school! I fell in love with it all over again and completed the cleaning process marching around proudly in what I will probably wear to my wedding rehearsal dinner.

And what, you ask, were Mark and CoHo doing this entire time? In between yaying and naying, Colleen was daring Mark to eat old chocolates (from a year and a half ago!) that I'd found shoved in the back of my closet. Just another Sunday night at Fairfax....


  1. You could actually still eat the peanut ones, they were just slightly extra crunchy.

  2. Ewwww!! Mark!!! Gross!! But I do feel like it's pretty easy to get you to do stuff like that. (The Tanqueray from 1973 and bottle of Coke from the late '90s both come to mind...)

    Sar, I feel good about your decisions. And I can picture almost EVERY item you talked about! Wasn't that Universal Studios shirt from our trip to Cali when your were 15??

    As for the kept items, I completely agree with the maroon halter! That's a great shirt. In fact, I want to borrow it again! And, I'm sorry, but you must NEVER throw away the denim dress. What if we go to another UN party and have to dress you up as a Puerto Rican again??
