Friday, February 27, 2009


My house reeks of skunk! I looked around outside, but couldn't find the culprit... not that I'd know what to do with it anyway. I generally don't mind a skunk smell, but this is overpoweringly nauseating. Where's Velda Plendor when you need her?!

Also, at 7-11 this morning, a guy walked in wearing those crazy white contacts and I swear my heart stopped. At first I was all "Okay, 6' 1", black trench coat, shaved head, jeans and a t-shirt... no sweat, officer!" But then he started crazy-eye-contact-focusing on me and I peaced out immediately. As much as I'd love to help the police fight crime, I do NOT like homicidal Halloween costumes in February.

1 comment:

  1. Anyone who can give a description that detailed is probably on the wrong side of the law to begin with.
