Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Oh MAN, how could I have not talked about this yet?!


A coworker was getting out of her car when she saw him, so she called out, "Heyyy Youk! Nice game yesterday," whilst making a bizarre bowling/tree cutting motion with her arm, pointer finger outstretched. I was far too flustered to make fun of her when she told me, but believe me, I made up for it later.

Anyway, he had a little boy with him (most likely Enza's) and he was apparently hugging him and throwing him up and down and making me love him more than I already do (I know, I didn't think it was possible either). My coworker said it was adorable and he was really nice.

(Sidenote: another coworker actually tried to top this amazingness by saying that her friend saw David Spade coming out of a burrito place last Saturday. Ooooh, score. An all-star, gorgeous slugger or a miniature, unemployed woman? Nice comparison!)

I, meanwhile, was wild-eyed and sweating profusely, contemplating which was more important: a celebrity sighting or my job. You have no idea how difficult this was. I couldn't leave my office because I was in the middle of a program that bills hundreds of thousands of people for their gym memberships...but Kevin Youkilis was standing outside my building. But I didn't want to mess up the system and get in trouble...but Kevin Youkilis was standing outside my building. AND I was wearing a dress that day! Hellooooo, meant to be moment!

But I didn't go outside. And I still have my job. And I did leave work that night and sashay my fat ass up and down Newbury St...but he was already gone :(

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